Khan & Associates is a full service law firm, which specializes in advising international businesses on virtually all aspects of doing business in Pakistan. The firm is intimately familiar with the particular legal needs of multinationals with interests in Pakistan, from banking and property rights to dispute resolution and employment law.
Pakistani law entails complex and often ambiguous legal and regulatory structures where standardized, “one size fits all” advice generally proves inadequate. We take pride in our close collaboration with clients, which allows us to tailor individualized solutions to their unique requirements.
With most of our clients headquartered in OECD countries, our clients value our advice, which enables them to successfully conduct business in Pakistan while following the OECD’s principles of propriety, integrity and transparency. Indeed, the largest foreign investor in Pakistan’s history and another foreign entity that fought one of the most significant commercial cases before the courts of Pakistan both selected Khan & Associates as their firm of choice to protect their interests in Pakistan.